Patient Info

Please contact the practice with any queries

Our friendly team are able to assist with questions about our services or your upcoming appointments.

If this is an emergency, please call 000.

For afterhours medical care contact Home Doctor Service 13SICK (137425) or online

Details of all calls and/or visits are conveyed to us to ensure the optimum continuity of care.

Health Resources and Links

Browse resources available to guide you to better health.



This is the preferred way to communicate with our practice for appointments, results and quires.

The receptionists are unable to put you through to the Doctor on your request, but will competently take a detailed message to pass on.  If it is an urgent matter please notify the receptionist so that appropriate and timely action can be taken.  The miss-use of “urgent” will be reported to the Practice Manager. 

Any bullying, abusive or foul language will not be tolerated.

We support a safe, healthy and respective workplace.


We do have a business email and will be supplied upon request if deemed appropriate.

Emails are not encouraged for personal, health or financial information due to its unsecured properties.   If any information is requested by a patient, to be emailed, consent will be sought with each request.

Test Results

All patients are requested to phone the surgery to receive test results.  The Doctor will write a comment that the reception will be able to relay.  if any more information is required an appointment will be necessary.

We are currently utilising HotDoc to send a SMS for any results that the Doctor has notated “discuss”.  This is a NON URGENT message to alert you to call to make an appointment or to recieve some specific information.


HotDoc is a service that we are using to send SMS appointment reminders, results discuss notifications, and recalls.

2 of our 4 GPs are utilizing the online booking function.

When sending an SMS for discuss results or recall notifications, you will be required to enter your last name and date of birth.  This is to protect your privacy and ensure that the correct patient is getting the correct information.

We are not currently using HotDoc to process any payments and will not send you any requests via HotDoc for payments.



Complaints and Feedback


If you have any feedback or grievances relating to your care at this surgery please contact The Practice Manager Malinda Bailey or your doctor. Please direct your communication in person or in writing.


If you are not satisfied that the matter has been suitably resolved it is recommended you contact:-


The Quality and Complaints Commission on

1800 077308